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Our Services

Project Development

From project conceptualization, we work with Landowners, Technology Providers, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Companies (EPCs), Competent Authorities, Regulators and Investors to develop energy projects; To ensure successful development of projects, we have crafted relationships and partnerships with local and international service providers in engineering, construction, project management and financial expertise;

In each project, we play the role of Project Developer and Manager, coordinating all feasibility and specialist studies, site selection, community liaison, permitting and licensing, permitting and licensing, technology selection, strategic partners’ facilitation, endto- end project management and economics and financial modeling.

Site Selection

Selecting a suitable site is a crucial part of developing a viable project. In selecting a site, the aim is to minimize cost and maximize output

Permiting & Licensing

Permit and licensing vary depending on the location of the project. Key permits, licenses and contracts for renewable energy projects include:

Technology Selection

An appropriate technology needs to be selected depending on site conditions and optimization by your technology partner to produce maximum output. Choosing the correct technology is of central importance, especially during the planning phase.

Strategy Partner Facilitation

During project development, various partners are required at different stages of development. Key partners include co-developers, financial investors, equity investors and technical partners.

End to end Project Management

At Dreamworks, we partake in the entire project management life cycle. The development of a project can be broken down into the following phases:


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